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AdventureLog Admin Panel

The AdventureLog Admin Panel, powered by Django, is a web-based interface that allows administrators to manage objects in the AdventureLog database. The Admin Panel is accessible at the /admin endpoint of the AdventureLog server. Example:

Features of the Admin Panel include:

  • User Management: Administrators can view and manage user accounts, including creating new users, updating user information, and deleting users.
  • Adventure Management: Administrators can view and manage adventures, including creating new adventures, updating adventure information, and deleting adventures.
  • Security: The Admin Panel enforces access control to ensure that only authorized administrators can access and manage the database. This means that only users with the is_staff flag set to True can access the Admin Panel.

Note: the CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS setting in your docker-compose.yml file must include the domain of the server. For example, if your server is hosted at, you should add to the CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS setting.
